Photograph by Peter Cunningham
Karen J. Greenberg is the Director of the Center on National Security at Fordham Law. Her most recent book is Rogue Justice: The Making of the Security State (Crown, 2016). She is the Editor-in-chief of The Soufan Group Morning Brief and the Stroz Friedberg Cyber Brief. She is currently an International Studies Fellow at New America.
A note from the Director
Since 2011, the Center on National Security at Fordham Law (CNS) has built a non-partisan, educational think tank dedicated to providing thought-leaders, policy makers and the public with the tools to better understand today’s national security issues. The Center fosters debate on some of the most complex issues around national security and strives to engage the public on national security policy, terrorism and other emerging threats. The Center’s work includes research, public education, public/private workshops, policy recommendations, and media outreach. CNS produces daily, weekly and yearly publications, convenes hundreds of public and private events on topics of note each year. We host major figures from government, media, the private sector and academia, and is cited or reported on in the press frequently.