High Court's 'Transgender Ban' Orders Leave Questions Open

Featuring CNS Fellow Michel Paradis

“The orders also may be the latest in a line of rulings by the high court that take a dim view of preliminary injunctions being used to block military decisions, Paradis noted, pointing to the 2008 Winter v. Natural Resources Defense Council decision, a case over a proposed block on the Navy’s use of sonar during training drills due to the alleged effects on marine life.

“[Chief Justice John Roberts] wrote an opinion for the court that all but says preliminary injunctions against the military are all but impossible; are strongly disfavored; that the public interest is always against them,” Paradis said.

A caveat to that consideration, however, is that the orders came after 5-4 votes, with the justices typically seen as the court’s “conservative wing” in the majority. That could signal that the court eventually wants to take the case on the merits, Paradis said.”

Read the full article here.

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Karen Greenberg