The Center on National Security Presents

Putting the Middle East in Historical and Geopolitical Context

A Conversation with Author

Gilles Kepel

Chair of Middle East and Mediterranean studies, Université Paris Sciences et Lettres and Director, the Middle Eastern Mediterranean Freethinking Platform, Università della Svizzera italiana in Lugano

To Discuss his Latest Book

Away from Chaos: The Middle East and the Challenge to the West


Karen Greenberg

Director, Center on National Security

Wednesday, May 20th

11:00A.M.-12:00 P.M

Gilles Kepel is chair of Middle East and Mediterranean studies at the Université Paris Sciences et Lettres and director of the Middle Eastern Mediterranean Freethinking Platform at the Università della Svizzera italiana in Lugano. He is the author of many widely acclaimed books, including, most recently translated into English, Terror in France: The Rise of Jihad in the West (2017).