Terrorism Prosecution Database
Terrorism Prosecutions | 570 |
Convicted | 455 |
Pending | 87 |
Trials | 124 |
Acquitted / Dismissed / Exonerated | 17 |
ISIS Cases in the United States
March 1, 2015 - August 31, 2019
Total ISIS Cases | 196 |
Federal Prosecutions | 185 |
Deceased | 11 |
Federal ISIS Prosecutions
Total: 163
US-Born Defendants | 101 |
Convictions to Date | 137 |
Trials | 22 |
Trial Convictions | 24 |
Guilty Pleas | 115 |
Acquittals | 1 |
Pending | 47 |
Non-Federal ISIS Prosecutions in the United States
In addition to the cases in the Federal Dataset, several ISIS-linked cases have been brought in various state courts rather than federal courts, including some that involve fatal attacks. Due to the small sample size and the wide variations in applicable state legal standards, state cases are not included in the Federal Dataset.
This dataset is based on information available in publicly disclosed documents.