Defense, National Security, and Global Challenges
Liam Collins - Modern War
Gary Solis - The Laws of War
Mary Ellen O’Connell - The Use of Force
Peter Bergen - The Continuum of Endless Wars 2001-2020
James Kraska - Naval Preparedness Now and for the Future
Jonathan Stevenson - Flash Points
Micah Zenko - National Security Realities
Pedro J. Martinez-Fraga - The Cuban Dilemma
Aaron O’Connell – Chronicles of Counter-Terrorism
Williams Burns - Mitigating Climate Change
Genevieve Lester - The Intelligence Community in Partisan Times
Juan Zarate - Shocks and Threats to the Global Financial System
Raymond Arnaudo - Global Polar Cooperation
Joshua Landis - Is there a Syrian Future?
Rebecca Katz - Global Public Health in a Time of Pandemic
Helle Porsdam - Advocating for the Right to Science
Steven Simon - Iranian Known and Unknowns
Catherine Lutz - The Imperative to Know the Real Costs of War
A. Trevor Thrall - The Dangerous Global Marketplace for Conventional Weapons
Brien Hallett - Declaring War Redefined
Samuel Moyn - Reinventing War
Laura Dickinson - Understanding Private Military Contractors/Private Security Companies
Elisa Massimino - New Priorities for the Department of Homeland Security
Chris Chivvis - Formulating a 21st Century American Foreign Policy: Insights from Reinhold Niebuhr